Alveo Del Mare

The price above includes all charges such as electricity, air conditioning plus legal taxes and VAT, except for the use of the pool heating system for the pool on the first floor. The use of the pool heating system will cost additional 65€ per day (please note that the pool on the first floor can be heated. The pool heating can be used upon advance request for the entire stay and it requires at least one week advance notice). Otherwise there are no additional charges after your arrival.

The services below are also included in the price:
- Welcome pack including traditional Cretan treats.
- Daily housekeeping, 08:00-14:00, apart from Sunday
- Linen and towel change every 3 days
- Pool towels provided
- Shopping before arrival (cost of groceries not included).

A refundable secudiry / damage deposit of 1000€ is also required.

The villa may accommodate a pet up to 10 kg.

Maximum Villa Capacity

16 Guests

Licence Number